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Cultural appropriation: am I being a douche?


Now generally speaking, this would not be my first go to for a topic. But since we just passed a major holiday where this is prominent i figured it would in fact be the beat place to start.

What is Cultural appropriation?

By definition “it is the act of adopting elements of an outside, often minority culture, including knowledge, practices, and symbols, without understanding or respecting the original culture and context.”

But why is this not okay?

you may be asking yourself, Michelle, why is it that people are making such a fuss about this? Where do you draw the line? Thats easy. If someone from a culture tells you it is wrong, guess what? You’re being offensive and wrong. To argue with someone regarding sacred parts of their heritage is really just sad and ignorant.

I can speak for myself, no one else, but in my culture, wearing an “Indian” costume is a huge sign of disrespect. And a sexy Indian! Man what a joke. Wasn’t enough to take our culture as a costume, let’s add degrading too?! Our regalia in our culture is sacred. Each piece has meaning. Every thing is blessed with prayer and ritual, to use it as a costume is saying that our reality, our traditions are nothing but a party going novelty.

Other cultures have similar struggles. Where I do not know as much of their history I can not speak on their behalf, but what I will say is,

Day of the dead, (dia de los muertos) is sacred and not yours.

the Asians: Dont all look the same and are not all ninjas or geisha girls.

if you think black face is cute, you’re wrong! Rethink that choice. dressing as the opposite sex to be funny is transphobic and douchy.

my I would love to give a lengthy history on all of these topics, but sadly for some, it won’t be understood or it won’t matter. And to be perfectly honest, it’s not my job to educate the naive, ignorant and racist. l know we live in the day of technology but, crack a book. Research research research! Don’t appropriate just educate yourself and appreciate other cultures aside from your own.

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